Today, I go jusco, cz me and vivian 心灵相通, haha, wan go popular buy some books. We two non stop sms-ing cz we two very 紧张to meet each other. At 1:30pm, i reach jusco edi, but vivian haven. Aiya, me and mummy go and have our lunch at roaster there.
After finish, i call my mother go and hang gai. Me wait for vivian at popular there lor. I sms her me at popular edi, she say she is coming down. Then i go to TINGKATAN SATU there and find my book. But viian say she suddenly forget wat is tingkatan satu edi, haha. Then i find her edi, but she cant find me. After that i stand beside her and she xia dao. Then we two sambil talk, sambil bercakap.
Still got her funny brother beside her, he is damn cute and funny. HAHAHA!!!! Then we two go and take photo. Her brother keep pulling her keychain on her phone. When we want to take the photo, her brother make me laugh,take until very yongsui!!!! BUT I LIKE IT SO MUCH (the photo)
Then my mother call me and she wan go home edi. SO FAST then i back edi.
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